Elon had Three Major Influential Historical Lifetimes

The first lifetime I see was his most recent past life and that was Nikola Tesla. He had two sisters and two brothers, one of his brothers died from a horse-riding fall, his name was Dane when Nikola was only five years old.

I see that because Nikola’s, who did not have the maturity to comprehend what really happened to his brother at his young age, his mind went to places that protected him and kept him occupied. Because he could not process the pain and sorrow of the huge loss of his brother, Nikola played games such as developing his photographic memory. As he matured, he worked excessively hard on projects in college and in his spare time he loved to gamble. He had a good balance of hard work and gambling. He loved both of his hobbies, and as a result Nickola gambled on his inventions.

The agreement he made with his family to come back together this lifetime explains now that Elon’s “then” brother, Dane, is his current brother, Kimball. He wanted to have a full lifetime to share with him, which was missed then.

One of his biggest business conflicts in that lifetime was the competition between himself and Thomas Edison. They both were fiercely competitive geniuses who wanted to be first to win. Their different discoveries were both important in helping mankind be more comfortable and advance in a “technological” forward step. Thomas Edison was reborn this lifetime on March 13th, 1995 as the and became the Luminar Technologies CEO and founder, Austin Russell.

Austin’s strong desire to come back soon after his death as Thomas Edison was that he wanted to continue on with his work, and he was as passionate as Elon’s mission to evolve the planet. The two have a spiritual business relationship, which involves competition, disagreement and harmony. It seems to really work very well for the both of them and is still robustly alive now.

As I look further, I see it was Nikola’s sister and father, Milka and Milutin, married each other in this lifetime and Elon and Kimball and Tosca were their children born presently to them.

His second lifetime was Sir Isaac Newton.

I see he had a rebellious spirit as a child then and his rebellion stemmed from him being a small child without a dad, because his father died before he was born. At age three, his mother remarried. He did not like his new father and he was raised my his mother’s mother. Nonetheless, his rebellious emotion was in full developmental mode at a young age, which, as he matured, made his mind become excellent at critical thinking.

As he worked, I see that he did not allow distractions and he fully focused on explaining mathematical facts of gravity and planetary motion, he birthed the factual “Principia”, creating a pivotal historical document for science and mathematics to be based upon.

Thoughts: Being Isaac Newton brought a firm footing in being a critical thinker even if it was against the norms of society. Being reborn as Nikola Tesla made his mind understand how emotional events shape the mind and because he did not marry nor have a family, in both of these lifetimes, he understood fully that family is a huge foundation for forming a well developed mind.

Elon’s Third Most Important Influential Lifetime was Ptolemy

Born as Ptolemy, Elon incarnated then to help the planet understand and advance in science and math. His family dynamics in Egypt allowed him to flourish so he could accomplish in one lifetime a major new way of thinking and expanding humanity. In order for him to meet his pre-birth agreement, (advancing the planet) he needed to be born at the right place at the right time. He was a very advanced soul even back then, and Alexandria, Egypt was the happening place to be educated and explore and write. He did not have many distractions because he was supported by the chief of the Alexandria Library who insisted on him producing work to add to their library. This lifetime he learned discipline and endless hours of work. He basically programmed himself for future incarnations for being tireless in his work ethics.

I see that he did have a family, and his family was taken care of too, so as not to disturb his work. The Egyptian society at the time understood family distractions and made sure they were looked after. Most of his married life, his wife and children felt emotionally neglected. I see they wanted more of their father. His wife turned to another lover and that was overlooked by Ptomey (Elon). He felt he was being a responsible husband/father because he worked all the time. He was very direct and basic in his needs almost animalistic in his sexual relationship skills. He wanted what he wanted. He felt he was a good man, he had several children, but didn’t have too much interest in them.

I see that the triplets he has now, the three of them were siblings in that lifetime. They wanted to be sure to come back together and decided to all be born at the same time. That is a lot to be said about how much they wanted more attention from their then father. They truly loved him, and in this lifetime, they are getting the attention, love and time they desired then to be with their father. It is a win/win/win/win for all of their spiritual advancements!

Overall thoughts and conclusions about Elon’s incarnations is that he is a very advanced soul who chose to come to Earth and help it accelerate into a higher vibration even if it takes only him to do it single-handily. From what I understand, he is really not from Earth originally and took on a huge mission through significant and purposeful lifetimes to raise our vibrations and get Earth in sync with the rest of the universe.